How to Measure a Dog for a Harness

How to Measure a Dog for a Harness

Measuring your dog for a dog harness is an important step in ensuring that you get the best fit for your pup.
Knowing how to measure your dog correctly will ensure that you get the most comfortable and secure fit possible. In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in measuring a dog for a harness and provide tips on how to ensure an accurate measurement.

Step 1) Place two fingers behind the dog’s front legs.

Step 2) The finger furthest away from the front legs is where you will be measuring the circumference of the dog’s chest.

Step 3) Use a fabric tape measure to wrap around the dog’s chest. The tape measure should be snug, without being too tight or baggy.

Step 4) The dog’s chest size is where the end of the tape measure and the remaining portion meet.

Always ensure that there is a two finger gap between the point of contact to the dog.

Please see the diagram for a visual explanation: 

how to measure dog for a harness

Our adjustable dog harness are fantastic for a growing dog and puppy. They extend within their size range and overlap into the next size up meaning that as your dog grows your harness will last longer. 

Click to shop our range of adjustable dog harness here!

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